4 restaurants found

Restaurant Smak
Gourmet | Locally Sourced | Nordic | Norwegian
Stakkevollvegen 39, Tromsø (See on map) (Close map)

Restaurant Smak in Skippergata is centrally located in Tromsø – just a short walk from both the city center and the beautiful harbor area. The location makes the restaurant easily accessible for...

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Cafe | Nordic
Stortorget 1, Tromsø (See on map) (Close map)

In the heart of Tromsø, with the harbour on one side and the beautiful square, Stortorget, on the other side, is the spectacular Kystens Hus. It is also where you find Skirri.  Skirri - the...

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Walter & Leonard
European | Italian | Nordic | Norwegian
Storgata 65, Tromsø (See on map) (Close map)

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European | Fish & Shellfish | Locally Sourced | Nordic | Norwegian
Killegreens Gate 6, Tromsø (See on map) (Close map)

Few things beat the combination of seafood and ocean views. Fiskekompaniet resides centrally in Tromsø, in beautiful premises right down by the harbour on Killegreens Gate 6. Enjoy a culinary...

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