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Events at Plates Christianshavn

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Events at other restaurants

No.2 - København K
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Prices from 0 DKK per person


Enjoy the view from Christianshavn's canal on the last day of the year. Where we end with...

Asador - København K
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Prices from 0 DKK per person

New Years Eve at Asador (late seat)

Come and celebrate the arrival of the new year at Asador! The dinner party starts at 19:30 Hs...

Other restaurants in the same area

Does a warm French kitchen with a cool atmosphere in Christianshavn sound appealing to you? Then Café Krøyers in Christianshavn is the place for you. Café Krøyers is located in the classic...

No.2 is the name of the sister restaurant to the fabulous two-starred Michelin restaurant AOC. What both restaurants have in common is that none of them compromise when concerning produce, flavours...

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