Events at Håndslag
Currently there are no events at this restaurant. See all the other events and get notified of new ones.
Events at other restaurants
New Years at Bente
Start the New Year right by booking our deluxe, family-style, New Years dinner which includes...
New Years at Alex
Start the New Year right by booking our deluxe, family-style, New Years dinner which includes...
Other restaurants in the same area
At Politikern, they serve food based on old recipes with a modern twist that is enjoyed in the company of political leaders. The restaurant resides in the heart of Oslo, close to many restaurants,...
At Lutlaget L/L you can come and visit our bakery, which is open seven days a week, and eat delicious pastries baked on our premises. L/L also has a brasserie, a wood-fired pizza oven, chambre...