Events at Le Diamant Bistro
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Nytårsmiddag på DARLING
Årets sidste middag skal holdes på DARLING!.. Der er mulighed for at få...
New Years at Asadir (early seat)
The new year starts early at Asador! Eat a 3 course menu from 17:30 Hs and Until 19 Hs You...
Other restaurants in the same area
Huks Fluks draws inspiration from the vibrant, southern bistros. The restaurant, with its informal ambience, serves high-quality food any time of the day. Bistro food of the highest...
At Scandic Spectrum, which is located on Kalvebod Brygge, you find Restaurant Nordbo on the ground floor of the hotel. Here, you can order shellfish, pizza, and pasta in beautiful...