Events at Pontevecchio
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Events at other restaurants
Shellfish night
Jump aboard the Grand Seafood Platter and look forward to all the best the seas can offer. The...
Brunch - SEANERY Skybar - Scandic CPH Strandpark
NOTE: For bookings of more than 8 people, you will generally be seated at a high table. For...
Other restaurants in the same area
Toto Vin & Spisebar moved into a space on Amagerbroade 145 in 2017. At this restaurant, you can enjoy a glass of wine and dishes made by an ambitious kitchen that lets itself become inspired by the...
Holmbladsgade 71 shares coordinates with Prismen: a sports and culture house. Therefore, of course, they also have an associated café. The name is Øens Spisested, and here social events are...