5 restaurants found

Næsbyhoved Skov
Brunch | Danish | Sandwiches
Kanalvej 52, Odense C (See on map) (Close map)

At Næsbyhoved Skov, they have rich traditions which are incorporated into the dining experience. Næsbyhoved Skov takes pride in being a place where people can meet up and have a good time. The...

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Restaurant HOS
Danish | Locally Sourced | Sandwiches
Kongensgade 65, Odense C (See on map) (Close map)

In February 2019, restaurant HOS finally opened up their doors to incoming guests. The restaurant is on Kongensgade 65, and despite it being a new restaurant, it has already gained tremendous...

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Restaurant Bondestuen
Danish | Sandwiches
Sdr. Boulevard 85, Odense C (See on map) (Close map)

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Restaurant Grønttorvet
Danish | Sandwiches
Sortebrødre Torv 9, Odense (See on map) (Close map)

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Den Gamle Kro
Brasserie | Danish | French | Sandwiches
Overgade 23, Odense C (See on map) (Close map)

Accepts DinnerBooking gift card

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