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New Year's Eve

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New Year's Eve

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New Year's Eve

Have you made your New Years Eve plans yet? No? Then The Pescatarian has everthing you need to enjoy into the new year.. See here below why. 


You can make your reservation between 18:00 & 19:00 which allows you to have a table for the evening until 23:30 when the evening ends. 

Our chefs will create a special menu for the occasion and our sommelier team has chosen beautiful wines to match the courses. You can of course also choose wines from our wine list.

We look forward to welcoming you!



  • Josephine oyster, cucumber & yuzu
  • Josephine oyster, hip rose & elderflower
  • Crispy snow crab & kimchi
  • Crispy tarte & hamachi

7 course menu: 

  • Scallop, tomato & bearii caviar
  • Kale & Jerusalem artichokes
  • Lobster & golden caviar
  • Morels & truffles
  • Coalfish & onion
  • Efterglød & beetroot
  • Chocolate & pears

Still & sparkling water. 

Petit fours & Tea/Coffee 


1495 Kr. pr. person. 

2690 Kr. pr. person. Including wine pairing.

If you would like an alcohol free juice pairing, please let us know in advance. 

If you are a party of more than 6 guests please contact us via mail or phone for reservations.

Provider of the experience is:

The Pescatarian
Amaliegade 49
1256 København K