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Events at Midgård
Currently there are no events at this restaurant. See all the other events and get notified of new ones.
Events at other restaurants
3 Chefs -
Prices from 0 EUR per person
Tirgus tūre ar Mārtiņu un Elfu
Sveiki, gardēži! Kur meklēt smaržīgāko zaļumu bunti, kraukšķīgāko skābēto gurķi,...
Põhjala Tap Room -
Prices from 0 EUR per person
Brewery Tours - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
The tour includes a ca 45-minute stroll through production with information about beer making and...
Other restaurants in the same area
Family owned The Hairy Pig Restaurant is a hidden gem along the narrow, Medieval streets of Old Town Stockholm. In a rustique and homely environment you will be served homemade, meaty sausages...