Events at Vistiņas Karbonādes Steiki
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Events at other restaurants
Valentine's Day Dinner
Celebrate Valentine's Day with an unforgettable evening where emotions and refined flavors...
Tirgus tūre ar Mārtiņu un Elfu
Sveiki, gardēži! Kur meklēt smaržīgāko zaļumu bunti, kraukšķīgāko skābēto gurķi,...
Other restaurants in the same area
RESTAURANT JOHN, CHEF'S HALL Restaurant, where Chef’s synergy of attention to details and mixture of tastes are represented in original recipes. Restaurant staff strongly believes that...
Barents – the place to celebrate life! We offer you the best of the Nordic region’s produce – from excellent cold-water seafood to local and seasonal ingredients sourced from small-scale...