Events at Riva Bistro Rungsted
Currently there are no events at this restaurant. See all the other events and get notified of new ones.
Events at other restaurants
The below packages are available. Please press the links to see the...
Wine Tasting: An Introduction to Natural Wines
7. November 17.30 - 19.00 Join us for an exclusive wine-tasting evening with Melin...
Other restaurants in the same area
No22 Bistro is located in the center of Rungsted Harbor. It is the ideal meeting place, both during summer and winter. Come and enjoy a nice meal while enjoying a view of the harbour and a lively...
Enjoy a tasty meal with view over Øresund and green lawns at Rungstedgaard. Beautiful location between trees and the sea. Rungstedgaard is located in an idyllic setting between park and the...