
Contact DinnerBooking

You are always welcome to contact us for questions. Here you can get contact information depending on whether you are a guest at one of our restaurants or a restaurant owner with or without DinnerBooking.


Restaurant guest

Select the item that matches your question

Feedback to the restaurant

It is important to us that our feedback system is as transparent and valid as possible. Therefore, we can only provide feedback to a restaurant via the link that will be sent after visits. At the same time the restaurants and we would like to avoid anonymous reviews. This is the reason why you are asked to verify yourself via setting up a profile in order to do a review of a restaurant.Alternatively, you can send an email with feedback directly to the restaurant. You can see the contact information by selecting the restaurant in the list below.

You can see the contact information by selecting the restaurant on the list below.

Atlas Bar & Kunstgalerie

Neustiftgasse 51

1070 Vienna



Restaurant Doubek

Kochgasse 13

1080 Wien

+43 66478201144


Change / make online booking

Where have you made your booking?

If you have questions concerning an online booking, please contact the restaurant directly.

You can see the contact information by selecting the restaurant on the list below.

Atlas Bar & Kunstgalerie

Neustiftgasse 51

1070 Vienna



Restaurant Doubek

Kochgasse 13

1080 Wien

+43 66478201144


Questions concerning. booking made via the app kindly requested to be directed at the restaurant.

See the restaurant contact information by choosing the name on the list.

If you have questions regarding the app you can write to us at contact@dinnerbooking.com.

Atlas Bar & Kunstgalerie

Neustiftgasse 51

1070 Vienna



Restaurant Doubek

Kochgasse 13

1080 Wien

+43 66478201144


See the restaurant contact information by choosing the name on the list.

If you have suggestions for improvements to our website please let us know. Write to us at contact@dinnerbooking.com

Questions concerning bookings made on DinnerBooking.com please direct them to the restaurant in referred.

Atlas Bar & Kunstgalerie

Neustiftgasse 51

1070 Vienna



Restaurant Doubek

Kochgasse 13

1080 Wien

+43 66478201144


Change of contact information

You may at any time log into your DinnerBooking account and change your contact information.

If you have forgot your password you can request a new one by clicking on the forgot password link.

Do you experience a problem in the online booking at the restaurant's own website please contact the restaurant directly.

Go to profile

Events and tickets

If you have questions for the amendment of purchasing the event please contact the restaurant directly. You can see the contact information by selecting the restaurant in the list below.

Atlas Bar & Kunstgalerie

Neustiftgasse 51

1070 Vienna



Restaurant Doubek

Kochgasse 13

1080 Wien

+43 66478201144


Please note that you have accepted that there is no right of withdrawal when you bought the ticket (see more under Payment Terms), but you are always welcome to contact the restaurant directly for changes or questions.

Are you missing the ticket or the booking confirmation? You can find contact information below.

Contact information:


Did you not find an answer for your question?

Contact information:

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It can be used to buy tickets for our restaurants events.

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